Blogging being a journal means there should be regular posts. Mea culpa. With the many pressures of work and family, the update of a blog seems to go down in priority to everything else. (I should really practice what I preach.)
Last weekend, I attended a seminar on Internet Marketing. It was very similar to the one I attended last year. It was, after all, given by the same people--the Internet Marketing Center.
Mind you last year, the CEO, Derek Gehl gave the seminar, but the guy this year, Jason Bax, was also pretty good. Though, I liked the previous venue better. Telstra Stadium, compared to Syndey University, this year. (No offense to the university, but we had tables and chairs and more room in the previous venue.)
And, since the cost was minimal, they tried to sell their stuff. This I suppose is fair enough. But, again, I digress.
One session in that seminar dealt on blogging, RSS and podcasting. This was the principal reason I attended the seminar. Some new things were covered and this got me even more excited to put more effort in my blogging.
I admit that one reason I do blog is to practice what I preach. I do blogs for some clients and use the lessons learned from actually blogging myself.
I've wanted to be able to have a blog in my own domain, to give me more control than this free forum courtesy of Google. To the folks at Google, thanks and I will still continue using your service. Great job and I push this service to others.
Going back to my earlier plans of my own blog with my own domain. This journal will deal purely on marketing communication. In fact, I've sub-titled the blog: Exploring marketing communication for fun and profit.
If you want to take a peek, it's called messagefromgarcia.net. Yes, I know, pretty obvious and a bit corny. But, when I brainstormed some names this kept coming back with a good feel.
Unfortunately, the ".com" of messagefromgarcia was taken.
Good lesson there. If you have a name you like or want to use, register the domain straight away. Best to stick to .com or .net.
Anyway, again I digressed. I will have more stuff on blogging here and in my other site.
Hope to see you there...soon.
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